
Like this yo!

I really don't understand my teammates sometimes. I don't know if I do it but you rarely even show up for practices and then you complain that you deserve rest because your legs are supposedly 'hurt'. Bitch. PLEASEEEEE. My sprained ankle was terrible! It was like the bone went JVLIBGRTS I only didn't come for one day because I was forced too. The very next day, I was so fucking hyped up about cheer. Even though standing straight was labour for me.

What is the meaning of passion now days?
Is it popularity gain? Do you really want all those scums from the side of the road to be attracted? Sure you're skinny. But you're all fat. No muscle. Why? No strength work. No running. Even 1 lap is a burden for you. No extreme flexing. 

"I have soooo much passion for cheer".
See this hand, it only takes 4 muscles to bitch slap you. And no, I ain't afraid to use it.
To a more brighter side,

Seen my headerrr??? It's so simple but OHMERGHERD. I'm in love with it. * self praise* I mean I truly think it's pretty and I ain't going to fish compliments right? HONESTY IS POLICY. 


Blergh. I wish I had a camera. I want to share with you guys this really cool makeup thing I did last night. It's ulzzang but it's not ulzzang at the same time.

FYI, ulzzang is a Korean term for natural or best face. 

P.S. I'm only good in my eyeliner. I hate eyeshadow. Makes me look like a drag queen.
P.P.S I think drag queens are cool. But it doesn't mean I would want to be one. Or bash any. 


We were having a little difficulties in doing a liberty today. Yes, we aren't those high school professional cheer teams. Nope. No coach. No teacher. Pure imagination, hard work, blood sweat and you know the rest. So Google really does help us in this. *praises Google*
 Our bases are short and most of our flyers are pretty lengthy. Weird but that is the best combo my poor cheer captain could think about. I guess we need to do more strength work. Probably.
  Alright, since this blog rightfully belongs to me, I have all the chances I have to rant and just blow out about how my team sucks and I don't like the people there but I do love them but yeah. You get the picture. 
  What I find annoying? And probably the cheer captain too? The people who laugh when they they fail to stunt properly. I loathe that. I laugh along too because, social reasons if you get what I mean. But really, what if the flyer drops and breaks her hand? That is so totally a matter to laugh about. Harty HAR HAR. 
  But I have to take some of the blame too I guess, like *child mode ON* I was looking up at the flyer because we had too and I saw the flyer's bra and I had to say "Nice bra you've got". 
  Scumbag brain level 999999999999999999999
I literally shouted like that and everybody got pissed. As usual the breakout of laughter is always there. BRAIN. Y U SO STUPID.

  Our team isn't the only ones that suck. I look around and see people giggling their asses too when they fall. Oh by the way, this for our house cheer. It's not a National championship thingy or anything. Thank goodness? I don't know what I'm crapping. I'm having a migraine. Owh man. I really do hate that. It just sucks to have something distracting you when you want to run your heart out or shout as loud as you like. Feel me?

Have you tried rolling? The pancake to and open split roll. Holy. Vegetables. My legs went jelly after that. It's super good for like those people who want to get like perfect painless open splits.

Happy splitting! 


This is Fat Cheerleader speaking.

Welcome abroad ladies and gentlemen. This is Fat Cheerleader speaking. Today we are going to present you a few short perky introductions from our very own Fat Cheerleader. 


I would say 'OMG IGNORE THAT LOL. RANDOM' and shit like that but it's very annoying to see that. Like every random blog I come across either has a picture or the tittle JESUS CHRIST or OMG RAAAAANDOM. I'm not a racist person. No. I enjoy listening to racist jokes though because I know enough to know that they are for humour. Get it? Cheer up. You could always Google search some other Jesus related blogs for your pious needs. I'm not a person to stop you. *inserts smiley face*

I'm fat and cheering. I love it. My passion for cheering has always been evident in my years of living. There is always something to cheer for. But my fat icky genes have pulled my self esteem down to -100000.

I guess the whole point of this blog is to share my experiences and maybe pick up a few more as I realize stuff. I like cheerleading. And being healthy. I like being healthy. And music. Yeah. I like that too.


Told you it's annoying. :DD